LUMC Summer Schools 2022
Population Health Management Summer School
The Population Health Management Summer School will take place on July 4-8, 2022 and is for both professionals acting within healthcare and students (PhD and MSc). Organised by Leiden University’s Faculty of Medicine (LUMC), the 5-day programme offers a scientific introduction to the fundamentals of Population Health Management. Participants will partake in a range of activities, including: attending lectures and presentations with keynote speakers and professors, evaluating and discussing practical cases during working-group sessions and have the opportunity to extend their network by meeting fellows with various professional and academic backgrounds.
D.J. Versluis, MHA, Internist-intensivist, HMC: "PHM gives an excellent insight into the various aspects of public health care and the relationship between them. Awareness of this relationship is essential, to place your own contribution within a broader perspective - and to act upon it within your own domain, in connection with other stakeholders."
Sign up for this Summer School before June 20, 2022!
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LUMC Summer School on Cancer Research
Taking place on July 5-7, 2022 the LUMC Summer School on Cancer Research is intended for all PhD students who wish to gain a comprehensive overview of on-going PhD projects within cancer research. The program has been designed to acquaint students with the six Cancer-research-subthemes and their respective LUMC principal investigators.
“Most importantly, the bulk of the program is focused on your participation: you will pitch ideas to our research community and engage in discussions with principal investigators during interactive poster sessions – the best of which will be awarded during a celebratory event at HePatho!”.
Sign up for this Summer School at the Leiden University – study programmes website.
LUMC-Boerhaave Nascholing Summer School General Skills for General Practitioners
The LUMC-Boerhaave Nascholing Summer School on General Skills for General Practitioners will take place on September 8-9, 2022. A two day programme is aimed at general practitioners, physician assistants and nurse specialists who wish to gain broader practical experience in gynaecological competences, minor surgical procedures, ophthalmology and anatomy, as well as injection techniques.
Sign up for this Summer School at the Boerhaave Nascholing – Continuing Medical Training website.