LUMC Top Research Seminar - Theme Cancer
(hybrid, registration required)
LocatieLUMC Lecture Hall 5 / Teams
OrganisatorDir. Research beleid
Please note: the LTRS on 16 April will be hybrid: live in lecture hall 4 and online via MS TEAMS. To get access to the online meeting please register via this link (Registration is required).
17.00-17.10 - Prof. Dr. J.H. Veelken
The Leiden Center for Computational Oncology: Towards a digital twin of patient and tumor
17.10-17.30 - Prof. Dr. J.V.M.G. Bovee (plm embedded PhD candidate)
LCCO sarCOma: towards a “digital twin” for chordoma
17.30-17.50 - Prof. Dr. R. van Doorn (plm embedded post-doc)
Genetic dependencies and therapeutic vulnerabilities in melanoma with p16 loss
17.50-18.00 - Dr. M. Griffioen (plm embedded PhD candidate)
Diagnostics of Acute Myeloid Leukemia by Transcriptomics
18.00-18.15 - Dr. M. Roos
Datastewardship and IT infrastructure within the LUMC and beyond: Lessons learned from the LCCO initiative
18.15 – 18.30 - Panel discussion with LCCO project leaders and concluding remarks
Drinks and snacks after the seminar at 18:30 (Paleijhs, first floor)